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  Articles > AB-INITIO
credits :
Raja Lakshmi
MCA - IV Sem
Ab Initio is one of the flexible and powerful software, which is used for large-scale data processing. Is comes with a user friendly GRAPHICAL DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT which enables rapid application development and enhancement.

It is best described as Middleware Tool using which data can easily be transferred among multiple numbers of data-repositories residing on different platforms.

Ab-Initio can easily be used to generate flat files in given specified format .It works first principles to find the best solutions to enterprise computing problems.
Areas where Ab-Initio software is used include Telecommunication, Financial Services, Insurance, Retail, Banking, etc.

Ab Initio software consists of three main parts:

 Co Operating System
 Graphical Development Environment(GDE)
 Enterprise meta Environment(EME)v Graphical Development Environment
GDE allows one create applications by dragging and dropping components onto a canvas, configuring them and connecting them into executable flowcharts. One of the most important benefits of this graphical monitoring is, it makes easy to improve performance or enhance functionality.

"A controlled environment within which development programs run" Ab Initio says, "A sandbox is a collection of graphs and related files that are store in a single directory tree, and treated as a group for purposes of version control, navigation, and migration." It is safe and controlled environment to run graphs.

Ab-Initio Commands:
 Air project commands
• Air project import: Copies sandbox files into an existing project. This process is called check in. This command is branch-specific.
• Air sandbox commands: A continuous graph is saved in a sandbox which is valid and ready to run. To validate the graph, run the air sandbox validate-graph command from command line. This command checks the elements and structure of a graph in a sandbox. If there is anything wrong, It displays messages about errors so that it is easy to correct them.

Environment Variables Used In Abinitio
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