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Faculty Login: erpnew/faculty/ px 
Here Every Faculty gets a individual Login and password, whereas faculty updates their activities like Seminars, Workshops, Publications etc. They also update Work dairy, Attendance, Study materials which is made available to students.Faculty also gives feedback on various attributes like Curriculum,Institutional,360-d egree,Event etc. All the above activities are been tracked by the ICT cordinator and discussed with Principal.

Student Login erpnew/studentportal/au_studen tlogin.aspx
Here Every student gets a individual Login & Password, where as student updates their details,View their Session Plan and Attendance, give feedback on curriculum,Institutional,360-d egree,Workshops,Events,Course- exit feedback etc. They also download study materials and videos uploaded by faculties . They also take assessment and Psychometric tests where results are displayed real-time. 

Employer Feedback erpnew/surveyfacultyl.aspx?sur veyid=996&group1=Faculty&type1 =Employer%20Feedback&month=Feb &year=2018&colid=71

App Link apps/details? pus.posto&hl=en

Alumni Feedback Link lumnircvs.aspx?colid=71