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Research Centre Activities

Focus Areas
Kinetic and Mechanisms of few Redox Reactions, Conducting Polymers, Nano Technology, Organic Synthesis, Electroplating, Material Science

List of Recognised Research Guides

S.No Name of Guide
1. Dr. Surekha M
2. Dr. H N Gayathri
3. Dr. Shipra Bhati

List of Research Scholars

S.No Name of the Scholar Status
1. Prof. Adarsh
 Global Academy of Technology
Ph.D. awarded, March 18, 2019 Convocation
2. Prof. Shailashree
 Shirdi Sai Institute of Technology
Ph.D. awarded,  March 18, 2019 Convocation
3. Mrs. Heney T Padavathil Ph.D. awarded,  July 25, 2019 Convocation
4. Prof. Bhaskar
Global Academy of Technology
Competed Comprehensive Viva-Voce
5. Ms. Rashmi Completed Course work
6 Ms Sowmyashree A ( BMSIT) Research Adviser member for Presidency University, Bangalore

Research scholars are publishing their work in the reputed journals