Globalization demands a new dimension to our approach towards education wherein we have to recognize the need for a globally relevant education. Such an education would mean imparting knowledge that helps develop the skill set in students to confidently interact and work in diverse environs.

And therefore we at The Oxford English School are committed to provide a safe and intellectually challenging environment that will empower students to become innovative thinkers, creative problem solvers and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the times to come.

Students need both high challenge and high support to grow as learners and as schools we need to keep striving to maximize this growth to the best of their ability. Give them courage, skills, optimism and integrity required to realize their dreams. Shape them into confident, creative and caring adults who pursue diverse, interesting and challenging careers.

To borrow John Hattie's words; "teachers should build classroom climates where errors are welcome, student engagement is the norm, questioning is high and students gain reputations as effective learners." May we all be blessed to realize this dream and keep going from strength to strength.

Warm regards

Meenakshi K Narayanan
Montessori (IMTC), B.Com, B.Ed, MBA Education Management, MSC Psychology, PGD Child Counselling & Psychology, British Learning, UK. Diploma in French